Sunday, June 20, 2010

Goose Kill Despite Community Pleas

Goose Kill Despite Community Pleas What is so sad is that these beautiful birds were put down because they don't fit in our world. There were alternatives to what they did but killing these birds was cheaper and less trouble. They could have just had someone use a power washer and hose the sidewalks down. As our population grows wildlife will fit less and less in our communities. Remember as the Native Americans said we need to think about the next 7 generations. Whatever you do how will it effect the next 7 generations. If this does not stop, one day we will just be telling our children about these animals. We have got to learn to share this planet. This is not just our world but there's too.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Body Language-eyes

Having worked with animals for many years I have learned a few things about them. Most importantly when dealing with pets is understanding body language. The eyes are the window to the soul. It speaks volumns if your willing to take the time to notice. Starting with the eyes, if your dogs eyes are open wider then normal can indicate that your dog feels frightened, stressed or threatened. Which if pressed could lead to aggression. I usually call them fear biters.

If your dogs eyes are squinted often accompanied with shaking may indicate pain or not feeling well.

Staring or looking directly at your pets is considered threatening behavior to your pet. I was working a dog once who was staring at me and growling with an occasional bark. I turned my head and kind of watched her without looking at her. I kept my movements slow and was turned so as to not face her. She stood directly in front of me and continued to stare at me letting me know she was a threat. I slowly turned so that she was not directly facing me. She moved back in front of me to continued to let me know she was a threat to me. Luckily she was a small dog or I would not have been in that position. Not to say that she couldn't have hurt me if she wanted to. I knew exactly what she was telling me. I still had to work with her so I had her owner bring her outside for me and I was able to put her in the van and was trim her nails. She felt comfortable in her territory and felt she needed to guard her home from the threat.

If your dog looks away is signaling that they are submissive and not a threat or worried. I will usually yawn which is a calming signal to dogs. They will lick usually lick their lips if they are nervous but I will talk more about that later.

If your pet is looking at you from the corner of his eyes showing the whites parts around the eye with a rigid body posture and may have a slightly lowered head it may be a position leading to aggression often seen with guarding of food or toys.